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Ed. Viking Studio, 2000. Tamaño 31 x 24 cm. Incluye más de 250 fotografías en blanco y negro. Estado: Usado excelente. Cantidad de páginas: 288

The photobiography of Martin Luther King179The life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., permeates —in ways great and small, direct and indirect— every facet of our social and political world. Although he was assassinated thirty-two years ago, his hypnotic voice and unique vision linger, ghostlike, in the background of every conversation that touches upon race, the state of black America, and this nation’s multiracial future. His name, an eponym given to streets and community centers, is invoked these days with the piety (and emotional distance) reserved for this republic’s Founders, and well it should be, for King was a revolutionary whose deeds created the structure, the texture, and the tone of the society in which we live.

Yet in some ways his posthumous visibility renders his life —and the high drama of the noble, world-altering movement he symbolized—largely invisible to the generations born after 1968. This, of course, is the price of canonization. Vaguely, we remember a little something of his many southern campaigns (but seldom all the principal players) and his ever-broadening agenda for global peace and economic justice, but with each passing decade the details grow a bit fainter. Indeed, some are forgotten entirely, lost as King is airbrushed, reinterpreted, packaged, and repackaged by those on the left and right (even those terms have a different meaning than they did during King’s era), by liberals and conservatives, by everyone from Afro-centrists to those who use his memory to oppose programs, such as affirmative action, that he would approve.

The photobiography of Martin Luther King181How soon we forget that King was not only a civil rights activist, but also this country’s preeminent moral philosopher, a spiritual aspirant, a father and a husband, and that these diverse roles —these multiple dimensions of his too brief life— were the foundations for his singular «dream» that inspired millions worldwide.

It is our hope that this beautiful collection of images taken by some of America’s leading photographers will serve readers eager to time travel, to project themselves back into the most transformative decades this country has experienced after the Civil War and to better appreciate the complexity, genius, and memorable public ministry of Martin I^ither King, Jr., as he journeyed from Montgomery to Memphis. Each and every photo on the pages that follow is a portal—a doorway—into a watershed life produced by America’s ongoing, unfinished experiment in democracy.

Enter, enjoy, and be enlightened.

Charles Johnson, Seattle, July 2000

The photobiography of Martin Luther King184CONTENTS
Early Years
Prayer Pilgrimage
Harlem Stabbing
Life in Atlanta
Freedom Rides
The photobiography of Martin Luther King183Birmingham
March on Washington
Nobel Prize
Get Out the Vote
Peace Movement
The photobiography of Martin Luther King182