Tamaño 21,5 x 15,5 cm. Estado: Usado excelente, 256 págs.

1- Editorial: Sweet are the uses of monopoly
2- Letters: TV violence; Václav Havel; David Holden
3- You must be joking
4- Media Moguls & Megalomanía

Leo Bogart: Monopoly
David Walter: Silvio Berlusconi
Indro Montanelli: Interview
Christopher Hird: Rupert Murdoch
Ted Turner: Satellite TV
Philippa Nugent: Down with the dish
Tom Fawthrop: Asian satellite
Safa Haerí: Iranian satellite
Bernardo Kucinski: Roberto Marinho
Clive Hollick: Regulation
Matthew Hoffman: The Internet
5- News Review
Anthony Hyman: Afghanistan, One death more or les
Gil Gonzalez-Foerster: Bangladesh, Time for change
Adewale Maja-Pearce: Ethiopia, Press intimidation
Ives Marie Chanel: Haití, No news is bad news
Franqois Misser & Ives Jaumain: Rwanda, Death by radio
6- Minorities
Stephen Mulvey: Crimean Tatars
7- Scheherazade 2001
llonka Verdurmen: One more night
Irfan Horozovic: The Bosnian bul]
A S Byatt: Dragón’s breath
Claudio Magris: The mistake
Julian Barnes Hamlet in the Wild West
Bora Cosic: Reading Hamsun
8- Sarajevo Photo Feature
Zoran Filipovic: A season of hell
Bogdan Bogdanovic: Defending the city
9- Abdullahi An-Na’Im: What do we mean by universal?
10- Julia Latynina: Letter from Moscow, Images of capitalism
11- File on Algeria

Lyes Si Zoubir: Journey through fear
Saïd Essoulami: Attacks on the press and journalists; State of emergency
Aïcha Lemsine: Death or exile
Mohammed Harbi: Clans against factions
Hugh Roberts: Meddling while Algeria burns
Tahar Djaout: The family that’s moving back and the family that’s moving forward
Abdelkrim Zerouali The people’s choice
Cheb Khaled: Serbi serbi
International Commission of Jurists: Attack on justice
12- Reviews
Julian Petley: Little devils
13- Diary
Radha Kumar: Dying in Sarajevo
14- Adewale Maja-Pearce: Letter from Lagos; Battle for Nigeria
15- Babel

Judith Adler Hellman: Mexican lives, on the border
16- Profiles
Taslima Nasrin: Interview, poems
Lindsey Collen: The rape of fiction
17- Human Rights
Caroline Moorehead: Spotlight on India
Ken Saro-Wiwa: Nigeria
Human Rights Watch/Africa: South Africa
Human Rights Watch/Helsinki: Kosovo
Article 19: Rushdie
18- Legal
Eric Barendt: Media ownership
19- Index Index: A chronicle of those not free